The article intend to help the novice , who want to enter internet marketing.
To touch the base I would like to mention here that in todays Search Engine Optimisation race , the site owner intend to bring their site higher in Search Engines (eg Google, Yahoo etc) with selected Keywords. It takes time to get Google Organic Results. So the other faster and expensive way is “Google AdWords PPC Campaign”. (PPC refers to Pay per click)
To Start PPC campaign you need to bid the relevant keyword for your website.
Bidding on a keyword (such as in the area of mustang horses) means that:

1. Display. You instruct Google AdWords to display your ad when a searcher puts in certain keywords that you specify (such as “mustang corral” or “mustang roundup”). These ads show up at the top or right side of the “natural” search results under the heading “Sponsored Links.” They have no effect on “natural” search ranking for your site.
2. Rank Order. The amount you bid will determine your ad’s position above or below other ads. If you place a maximum bid of 10¢ and your competitor bids 11¢, he has outbid you and his ad appears above yours (all other things being equal).
3. Cost Per Click. You only pay when your ad is clicked on. Your ad could have been displayed 42 times, but if it is only clicked on 4 times, you would owe 4 x 10¢ = 40¢.
It’s more complex than that, of course, but hopefully these three principles will introduce you to PPC advertising