I had a problem migrating the large mysql databases from one server to another. When ever i tried to do that using some utility I got “Out of Memory” error. After a bit of research work, I realized that big databases can be migrated using shell command easily Below you can find instructions to move […]
Posts in the Uncategorized category:
compress directory under Linux using shell prompt
How can I compress a whole directory under Linux / UNIX using a shell prompt? It is useful to backup files, email all files. Technically, it is called as a compressed archive. GNU tar command is best for this work. It can be use on remote Linux or UNIX server. It does two things for […]
Sorry, that key does not appear to be valid
When trying to reset your WordPress blog password, have you seen the following message? Sorry, that key does not appear to be valid. This seems to be a bug in wordpress 2.5.1 Basically, it means that password recovery won’t always work and suggests the following workaround based on using phpmyadmin from cPanel in your hosting […]
Warning! – Failed to move file message in Joomla
Warning! – Failed to move file (Joomla 1.0.x, Joomla 1.5.x) when trying to install some components in a freshly installed joomla 1.5 Version site. Solution to this is either to change permissions to 777 for tmp directory OR enable the legacy mode To locate the tmp directory (Login to Admin Area) > Global Configuration > […]
How to enable Legacy Mode in Joomla 1.5.x
Legacy Mode in Joomla 1.5 is needed in order to install Joomla 1.0.* extensions. In order to enable it, go to the administrator’s panel, Extensions > Plugin manager. There find ” System – Legacy“, check it and click on “Enable” from the top right menu. The above instructions are valid for the stable Joomla 1.5 […]
Search Engine tips for Beginners
Understanding SEO Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is considered as the key for Web marketing. This is true because SEO does help in the promotion of sites and at the same time it requires some technical knowledge – at least familiarity with basic HTML. Generally, SEO can be defined as the activity of optimizing Web pages […]