How to Blog using Joomla

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  1. Log in to your Joomla Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to Content – Section Manager and then create a new Section. For example let us create a section named ‘Myblog’.
  3. Now go to the Category Manager and Create a new category (Ex : Myblog) and place it under the previously created MyBlog Section.
  4. After that, navigate to Menu – Main Menu and then click on the ‘New’ button in order to create a new menu item.
  5. While selecting the Menu type, click on Article – > FrontPage Blog Layout.
  6. Give any name to the Menu and then Click on the ‘Save’ button.
  7. Now go to the Module Manager and then create a new module. Perhaps create a [Archive Module]. And display it somewhere in your Joomla site.
  8. Go to the article Manager and post a new blog entry under the “MyBlog” Section and “MyBlog” Category. Select the show on FrontPage option.
  9. Again create another blog entry in similar way and save it. Go to your website front end to see your 2 blog entries.
  10. Now suppose you want to Archive your articles by month. So to do that, in your Article Manager simply select the article you want to Archive and then click on the Archive Button.
  11. Go to the Front end and refresh the page. You will notice that one of your post has move to the Archive module.
  12. When you click on the Archive link it will take you to the Archives page where you can notice a filter options to search the Archives by Month.
  13. So in this way we have just created a basic blog with Joomla.

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