How to enable SSL from Joomla Admin

To enable SSL from Joomla Admin Follow the Steps below : 1. Login to Joomla Admin 2. Global Configuration 3. Server > Server Settings > Force SSL = None If you do not have SSL Setup for your Site. Enabling the above setting will throw following error for the site (net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT): The operation timed out

JFTP::login: Unable to login

While installing a component I encountered the following error JFTP::login: Unable to login JFTP::store: Unable to use passive mode Warning! Failed to move file. After some research i realized that I had changed the FTP login details on my hosing server So I logged in to Joomla Admin and changed the FTP settings under Global […]

How to insert html code in Joomla content or module?

Many of the times there is need or requirement to insert raw HTML in a Joomla article or module. For example, embedding Google maps etc. Unfortunately, sometimes the editor screen you are using will strip out the HTML code, or cause an error. Rather than having to turn the editor on/off in global configuration, there […]

How to find the module positions for a new or existing Joomla template?

To find the module positions in your Joomla 1.0.x or  Joomla  1.5.x template simply add  the following  to your URL /index.php?tp=1 for eg. if your domain name is,  then to find the module position type in the addressbar

Adding new module position to Joomla 1.0.x and 1.5.x

In Joomla 1.0.x we can add new module positions by going to Site -> Template manager -> module positions (total 50 places). [Add your position] However in Joomla 1.5.x we need to add the module positions within the templatedetails.xml under the active template folder <positions> <position>hornav</position> <position>breadcrumbs</position> <position>banner</position> <position>left</position> <position>right</position> <position>top</position> <position>search</position> <position>topsl</position> <position>user1</position> <position>user2</position> […]