Whenever try to delete a SuperAdministrator I get the following error You cannot delete a Super Administrator. The soultion to this is First, demote to superadministrator to a lower category, such as registered. Then delete or block.
How do I recover my admin password in Joomla?
Joomla 1.0 or 1.5 If you know the email address that was used, the simplest thing is to do is to use the “lost password” Front-end function if you have made it available. If not, you will need access to the MySQL database. You have two choices, either add a new super administrator or change […]
Changing Welcome to Frontpage component heading in Joomla 1.5
1. Login to Admin of Joomla 2. Menu > Menu Manager 3. Selct the Menu 4. Look for the system parameters on the right, either disable or change the text.
load a module in the content area in weblogic template for joomla
To load a module in the content area in weblogic template, you need to follow the following steps 1. Add a module to the template say ‘user9’ to the template. (to see how to add a module click here) 2. Extensions -> Template Manager -> Select weblogic template -> edit -> Edit HTML 3. if […]
Breadcrumbs not showing for Joomla weblogic template
Steps 1. Login to Admin ->module manager -> click “new” 2. Select “breadcrumbs” and then the next page will give you the parameters for the module: location, menu locations. 3. check “no” for title to show 4. Position : breadcrub Enable it and you are done
JFTP::login: Unable to login
While installing a component I encountered the following error JFTP::login: Unable to login JFTP::store: Unable to use passive mode Warning! Failed to move file. After some research i realized that I had changed the FTP login details on my hosing server So I logged in to Joomla Admin and changed the FTP settings under Global […]
php code to save files on user machine
I was trying to save the ‘.xls’, ‘.doc’, ‘.wmv’ on user machine, which works correctly on Firefox(developer friendly) but not on Microsoft’s IE(Microsoft friendly); after searching on the net, i found this code which works on both the browser. here is the code: ————————- <?php // downloading a file $filename = $_GET[‘path’]; // fix for […]
PHP Script to load a PDF
To get PHP to load a PDF (for example) from file, use the following code. <?php $filename = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] . “/path/to/file/my_file.pdf”; header(“Cache-Control: public”); header(“Content-Description: File Transfer”); header(‘Content-disposition: attachment; filename=’.basename($filename)); header(“Content-Type: application/pdf”); header(“Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary”); header(‘Content-Length: ‘. filesize($filename)); readfile($filename); ?>
Cannot modify header information – headers already sent
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/domain/public_html/file.php:42) in home/domain/public_html/includes/main.php on line 302 Solution The “headers already sent” error is usually caused by having white space before or after the opening and closing PHP tags (<?php . . . ?>). Remove the additional spaces , this should solve the […]
Header already sent
Note that if you don’t want to go through the process of making sure that there is no output before you send a header, you can use <?php ob_start(); ?> at the beginning of your page. This starts the output buffer, which allows you to send headers whenever you feel like it. Make sure that […]