JAuthentication::__construct: Could not load authentication libraries

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It may happen that you try to login to Joomla Admin and you get following error

The following error is displayed.

* JAuthentication::__construct: Could not load authentication libraries.
* Username and password do not match

The error occurs when you inadvertently disable the plugin “Authentication – Joomla” assuming it was for the front-end authentication. This plugin is for the admin authentication and no one would want to disable this.

Authentication Plugin - Joomla Admin
Authentication Plugin - Joomla Admin

All you need to do is access the Joomla database through Phpmyadmin, look for “jos_plugins” table and change it’s field ‘published status’ to 1 .

Authentication Plugin - Phpmyadmin
Authentication Plugin - Phpmyadmin

Now you would be able to login without any problems.

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